Friday, September 17, 2010

Amanda is going behind bars for good....

As you know, Amanda started New Direction Photography with the intention of having a business that gave back in as many ways possible to its local communities.  Amanda has yet again found another way to give back. 

We are excited to tell you that Amanda has chosen to serve as an MDA Jailbird and is being Locked-Up...that's right, she is going behind bars to help Jerry's Kids©. In order to be released on good behavior, she needs your help to raise her “bail.”

Her bail has been set at $1,600.00 and if everyone we know makes a tax-deductible donation, she’ll reach her goal quickly!

Just click here to make a secure, online donation before 11/03/10. This is a fun event benefiting individuals and families served by MDA who are affected by neuromuscular disease. We are honored to partner with MDA, and help this important cause.

Don't hesitate to call or e-mail Amanda with any questions.

Thanks in advance for your help. Together we'll make a difference!

Go to  to make your donation and support this great cause.

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