Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yay for June!

New Direction is an exciting place. Here is what we have been up to and are up to now:

1.  As many of you know I try to find as many ways as possible to give back to the community and gracious people that have supported me along the way. This spring I was approached by four area high school students that were interested in working at the studio for their senior projects. Abrianna, a senior at Orange High school, was with me the entire month of May. Brian, a senior at Solon High School, was with me the middle two weeks of May. Mackenzie and Katie, seniors at Kenston High School, were with me the last two weeks of May. All together, these students logged over 300 volunteer hours with New Direction Photography. They were taught proper techniques, they helped with marketing pieces, they photographed along side me at many community events and were a tremendous help. They were a true reminder of how blessed I am to be doing what I love and in a position to teach my craft to others.

2. The studio's first newsletter was sent out this evening to hundreds of clients and supporters. The newsletter will be sent out periodically with studio news, discounts and updates. If you do not receive a copy of the newsletter, just email me at and I will gladly email you a copy.

3. Nearly 75 2011Seniors from all over Northeast Ohio have already scheduled their senior portrait sessions at New Direction Photography and that number continues to grow. I am honored to be the photographer of choice for so many of you. If you or someone you know would like to schedule a senior session at New Direction, call soon, 440.708.0965.

4. We are busy planning the studio's anniversary party. The studio will have officially been open for one year on July 9th. The details are being coordinated now, so look for announcements soon! It is sure to be a fun event!

I CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PATRONAGE.  I look forward to celebrating the one year anniversary with all of you! -Amanda Hrabak

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